Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Joanna is coming!

Joanna is one of my bestest friends and favorite people in this world, and she's coming to visit with her boyfriend in 2 days!

I am so excited about all of the adventures we have planned (Everglades Airboat Tour, anyone??) but am a little nervous about how Bruce is going to handle our visitors, as he doesn't always listen to me when I tell him to be on his best behavior...

Here's to hoping for a calm and zoomie-free weekend.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Myth-Busting Monday!

Myth: A pit bull is a breed of dog

Truth: From Pit Bull Rescue Central (www.pbrc.net): This is "a generic term often used to describe all dogs with similar traits and characteristics known to the public as 'pit bulls'." The term "pit bull" should refer to one of three breeds - American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier (www.wikepedia.org).

Problems arise when media reports of dog bites refer to any large, square-headed dog as a "pit bull" without investigating the true breed of the dog, thus inflating the number of "pit bull attacks" to include attacks by breeds other than the three mentioned above.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Remember The Great Crate Problem? Well, finally we have made some progress! Bruce got a brand new big wire crate that fits his big comfy bed, and we re-crate trained with it. He's still not a huge fan, but once he's in the crate's general vicinity, he will run in with a "Kennel Up!" command. He is also waiting to exit once the door is open until we release him with an "ok." We still have a lot of work to do, but I am more than thrilled with his progress.

And just for fun, Bruce sleeping...comfortably?...in his new digs.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Doggy School

We enrolled Bruce in doggy school recently for two reasons. First, to get him around other dogs and people and second, for us to learn the best training techniques and how to practice them properly.

As pit bull owners, we understand that if he is not a perfectly well-behaved dog, then people will assume he's a big bully attack dog (even if he's really behaving no differently than a moderately-trained lab or schnauzer). So, we'll go to a few classes, train at home, and he'll be perfect, right?

WRONG. I want to be clear that he has never shown signs of aggression, but he is a far cry from perfection. The Energizer Bunny should be concerned about his job with Bruce in town. Last week Bruce spent the entire hour of doggy school in the owner's office just trying to focus long enough to sit. No amount of peanut butter, cheese, high-end treats, love, etc. would convince him that it would be good to chill out/focus rather than go play with all the other dogs and their owners.

Needless to say I'm already a nervous wreck about tomorrow's class. If you're reading this, please send a prayer to the doggie gods that he calms down enough to actually learn something.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just because

These pictures are for anyone who thinks pit bulls aren't cute dogs!

Mommy, more water please!

Actually, I'm too tired to drink anymore. Thanks anyway.

*my sincere apologies for the crappy iPhone quality pics

Monday, August 16, 2010

Myth-Busting Monday!

Today's myth is brought to you by Parade magazine (and my mother in law, who made me aware of this article)

Myth: Once a pit bull has been trained as a fighting dog, it will be aggressive forever and there is nothing you can do about it.

Truth: Apparently, complete rehabilitation of fighting dogs is totally possible. This article from yesterday's Parade section in the newspaper tells the story of several of Michael Vick's fighting dogs that have been rehabilitated. Some are even service dogs that work with the elderly and children.

Myth = BUSTED (with the added bonus of some positive media attention!!)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bad News

The main contributing factor to pit bull misconceptions is definitely the media. I saw this story on the news last night and was devastated to hear Animal Control's advice that the woman carry a shovel or a 2 x 4 for protection. All the pit bull did was bark when he saw her (and if he's anything like Bruce, his tail may very well have been wagging the whole time!). No growling, no bites, no aggressive behavior. I wonder what Animal Control would have advised if a black lab barked at her?

Oh wait, she wouldn't have called...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Dog is a Cat

If I have a pit bull/feline mix, do you think it would survive a breed ban if (god forbid) one ever came?

This is Bruce sitting in his favorite spot on the top of the couch - just like a little cat. Combine this with leaping onto tables and his claw-like nails that he refuses to let me cut, and I'm certain there is some kitty in his blood.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Myth-Busting Monday!

Myth: Animal aggression is directly linked to human aggression

Truth: Exactly the opposite of this is true. I was reading the American Pit Bull Terrier "magabook" (not just a magazine, but not quite a book!) and I learned that there are several types of aggression, and absolutely no link has ever been found between animal aggression and human aggression. So, when a pit bull (or any dog, for that matter) goes after a squirrel due to its high prey drive, this should never give rise to a suspicion that it's only a matter of time before the same dog goes after a human.